My mission:

Working with parents, teach their children to develop independent sleep skills.

Sleep is a necessity

As a new parent, what are the first words the come to your mind when you think of sleep? A dream? A luxury, or distant memory? Oh……. I GET IT!!!!

Sleep is a necessity. We all need it to be happy, well adjusted….and more importantly to survive. We all know how to sleep, BUT it is a skill that, somewhere down the infant line, needs to be taught. Babies almost always get off track at some point in their development, and that can leave parents feeling like sleep is a dream, luxury, and a distant memory.

When my daughter, Clara was born, she was like a dream come true. However, in time, she became an EXTREMELY fussy baby, which resulted in months of sleepless nights. Leaving me feeling desperate, helpless, and EXHAUSTED!! She was riddled with health issues which put sleep teaching on hold until they were figured out (which was thirteen months later). Once the sleeping teaching started the results were amazing, and the relief I felt was unlike anything I can express through words.

Five years, and one more difficult sleeper later, it has become my mission to work with parents teach their child to develop independent sleep skills, which will lead them to have a fabulous relationship with sleep, and reclaim the restful sleep you parents have been lacking. Let us connect today, so you can give your child the best gift of all. The gift of sleep.